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BIBS UES has a contracted bus company with a fleet of small buses that service our school for our transportation needs. This includes 30 bus routes, morning and afternoon, and buses for field trips. Students are expected to follow the bus rules: wearing their seatbelts, no eating or drinking or using an iPad and no use of inappropriate language or behavior. Students are picked up and dropped off at designated stops. Students must be on time for the pick-ups as buses can’t wait as this causes delays for subsequent stops. Each bus has a Bus Ayi who is in direct contact with the parents, often this is required if there are delays due to Beijing traffic. The bus service is coordinated by the BIBS Operations Department, any questions or concerns please contact us.


UES Catering

BIBS UES provides a hot lunch inclusive in the fees for each student. The students have a selection of an Asian or Western dish each day, in addition to salad, fruits and yogurt. A weekly menu is published on the website and posted on the display board outside the cafeteria. Parents and students can bring home lunch, this is eaten at the same time and place as the catered lunch. Packed lunches are provided for field trips and also on some special event days, e.g. Sports Day. Catering provides high-level quality control in its food service, this service is coordinated by the BIBS Operations Department, any questions or concerns please contact us.